The short film Stealing Second (written directed by Alex Richanbach) is being released in its entirety on Funny or Die today! Previously Stealing Second was the first non-sponsored film to have a trailer as an Official Featured Video on Funny Or Die. The trailer remained at the top of both the official and user picks all day. It maintains an 88% "Funny" rating to this day.
Stealing Second is a modern take on the classic romantic comedies of the 1960's. In short the film is about, “Talking to girls...and touching a boob." In a little bit longer it is about the awkwardness of dating, especially in college, especially in this new world of dating where you ask people out by texting and never know if you are just hanging out or actually dating.
The film features music of The Explorer's Club, who are kind of like The Beach Boys reincarnated. Their album Freedom Wind was selected as one of USA Today's Top 5 Albums of 2008. The 1960's beach vibe of the album helps to pay homage to 1960's romantic comedies Stealing Second was inspired by.
Stealing Second has played at festivals all around the United States and at the Cannes Film Festival in France in 2009.
The film, which was shot in Los Angeles in 2008, is written and directed by Alex Richanbach of Eugene and edited by Joshua Salzberg, both of whom have worked on Judd Apatow's films.
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