
The Infesticons - Kick Anthem by Ninja Tune

Mike Ladd returns with the third and final part of his epic Infesticons trilogy, a clarion call against obscurity, indifference and apathy. Some fights are worth fighting and even battles that are lost are worth remembering. In this spirit, for “Bedford Park” Ladd has put together a series of “Anthems” and the first fanfare is sounded by “Kick Anthem”.

Combining Bollywood polyrhythms with punk attitude, Ladd and his band rip through “Kick..." with the kind of abandon and energy which can’t be faked. Saul Williams takes on backing vox duties, having turned up at the studio while Mike was recording. Ladd’s lyrics, meanwhile, subvert the standard rock themes of love and betrayal, ending with him getting ready to smother his ex-lover in his favourite body oils: “Nubian Hawkwind, Egyptian Pinky Ring, Lumumba AK, Angolan Whisper, Portugese Scum, Spanish Dead Men” and so on, the most innocent listings packed with subtext.

One of the true rebel geniuses of Black music, Mike Ladd operates at the intersection of hip hop, punk, funk and spoken word, in the process making some of the most vital and intelligent music of his times. Alongside his Infesticons trilogy for Big Dada he has recorded a succession of solo albums for, amongst others, Mercury, !K7 and legendary hardcore label ROIR. His work with jazz pianist Vijay Iyer has been widely acclaimed, touring major jazz festivals and being released on classic imprint Savoy. He likes playing with toy soldiers.

:Shouts 2 - Leslie/Ninjatune Records*


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